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What They Don't Tell You About Yoga Teacher Training...

Updated: Jun 20, 2018

So, you're thinking about becoming a yoga teacher, or possibly looking for a little exploration of self development and transformation, that's great! Here are some things you may like to know before you get started.

Get Curious: & Get Used To Hearing It

I'm sure you've heard your yoga teacher say "Get Curious" countless times in asana classes and you better get used to hearing it, because it becomes far more frequent in your TT.

What exactly do they mean? Well, essentially, exactly what they're saying. Over and above that, they're asking you to approach challenges and resistance with an open and curious mind. This simple phrase asks us to reframe our thoughts from the suffering "Why is this happening to me?" to the curious "What can I learn from this?".

By being curious about our thoughts, challenges and resistances, we activate our Beginner's Mind - a way of thinking that approaches everything as if for the first time, eager to grow and learn. When we shut down our curiosity, we approach life as an expert, knowing all, learning nothing. Your journey through your TT is all about growth and transformation of the self. Be curious about who you are, where you are and who you'll become. Approach your training as though you know nothing and be surprised by how much more you learn about yourself.

Resistance Comes In Many Shapes and Forms Ahh, resistance, my friend, we meet yet again. What have you come to teach me now? Ever have those days when the alarm goes off in the middle of the damn night, okay 5am more precisely (but still), and the darkness is wrapped around you, your body warm and snuggled under the duvet and as you're still peeling your heavy eyes open, a little voice in your head whispers "Just go back to sleep, you can go to a class this evening after work instead. It's so nice in bed!". Or you're sitting in a yoga class and the teacher decides that they'd like to start by singing a mantra together and the little voice pops up to say "Why the actual hell would I want to do that?" Meet your new favourite teacher, Resistance. No one tells you just how often you'll meet each other during your training. Although if they had, would you show up?

Resistance can be a little annoying at times, it can have a lot of wonderful sounding distractions to share with you, pulling you away from dealing with the present. Tons of work to do? Resistance opens Facebook and gets sucked into cat videos. Body a little tired but you need to get up to get your workout in? Resistance soothes you back to sleep. Angry at the idea of singing a mantra in class? Resistance gets you upset about it without asking you why it's triggered your nervous system. Yet it's those exact reasons why Resistance teaches us so much. When we push through the resistance of getting up, we get to do our workout, get the rush of endorphins and increase our window of tolerance.

When we stop Resistance from whining about singing, we can ask ourselves why it upsets us so much? Sometimes the answer is clear and sometimes just being curious enough to push through the resistance and ask the question is enough for that moment.

Resistance teaches us where our perceived limits are and shows us that we have so much more to offer ourselves. Lean into your resistance as it comes up. Be curious!

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable Your comfort zone is where Resistance thrives but TT is designed to shake it around vigorously until you're not sure which way is up or down.

The sooner you can accept that there will be days where you're challenged to step out of your perceived zone of comfort, the quicker you'll realise how much being uncomfortable can teach you and how truly exciting it can be.

You're Safe This may seem like a given. Why wouldn't you be safe? Well, physically yes, I'm sure your TT is somewhere lovely - maybe at your local studio or somewhere exotic like India - and yes your safety needs have been met. What you may not realise is the emotional security you're going to need.

As new experiences, old thoughts or judgements and emotions begin to rise, feeling safe in your group and with your teachers is paramount. Just know that you are safe. You are worthy. Your journey may feel at times, overwhelming and isolated, but you are not alone, your TT group is there for you and going through exactly the same things you are.

It's An Emotional Ride: Face The Storm Head On How can we serve others, if we cannot yet serve ourselves?

Yoga TT asks and prepares us to be of service to others. It presents us with the most beautiful human tool, connection. Yet how can we connect with others and guide them through their yoga journey with all the trials and tribulations that come with it, if we cannot connect with ourselves first?

So how, you ask, do we connect with ourselves? Ha! I won't spoil that for you as it's part of your journey, but be prepared to face the storm head on, as it will rear its ugly head. Just know that your support system is unwavering in the face of challenge, it will guide you through the storm and land you safely ashore.

“Yoga teacher training is the most incredible, worthwhile emotional shit storm you will ever go through and their marketing material will not prepare you for it. Be brave. Be curious.”

Teacher Training is designed to show you how to use the tools you already have within yourself, to face any storm that may come your way during and after your course. These tools, if cultivated with purpose, will serve you for life. Cherish them, grow them, use them.

Your Relationships May Change Navigating people can be tricky at the best of times. We're uncontrollable, volatile, insecure. We listen to respond instead of listening to understand. We struggle with accountability and feel relieved when we can shift the blame to someone else: "Here, you hold that".

Your TT is a incredible gift of self discovery and as you go through it, you will come to understand that not everyone has the luxury of learning how to self-regulate in times of challenge. Not everyone has had the privilege of learning to name and work through their baggage as you have.

TT will change you. For some of us the changes can be subtle, for others, it can change your communication patterns, your perceptions, your ways of dealing with challenges and most importantly, how you view and deal with those closest to you.

Behavourial patterns that may not have upset you before, may no longer be tolerable. Friends who hurt you without accountability on their part may find less room in your life as you discover the self-worth that was previously lacking. Partners who once struggled to communicate with you, may find you more forthcoming and intuitive.

However, your changes and challenges are unique. They will appear to you as they are ready to. The only thing you can do, is greet them with curiosity and ask "How will this serve me?" and never feel afraid to toss it out the window if it doesn't.

Yoga TT is an incredible journey of self-discovery, savour every moment of it as you delve into layers of yourself you didn't know existed.

Have fun.

Be kind. Be curious. Be

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